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The menu on the left will allow you to view a complete listing of all parts related to the style of cart you select. You may also read a brief summary below and click each heading link to go straight to the cart purchase page.


The Mini Cart (4.0 cu. ft)
The 4.0 cubic foot Mini Cart is ideal for the home gardener, because it is sturdy and can be stored in a small space. The unique "V" shape black polyethylene tub measures 34 x 22 x 15 and has a 150 pound load capacity. Available with pneumatic and solid flat proof tires.

The Garden Cart (5.5 cu. ft)
Garden Carts have a capacity of 5.5 cubic feet and hold up to 250 lbs. Our smallest cart will surprise many. Its capacity is more than wheelbarrow and provide easy handling and tip-free performance. Great for smaller jobs like gardening.

The Utility Cart (8.0 cu. ft.)
The Utility Cart has a capacity of 8.0 cubic feet and holds up to 400 lbs. It is the perfect size for most jobs and a great value.

The Jumbo Cart (11.5 cu. ft.)
Our best seller, The Jumbo Cart has a capacity of 11.5 cubic feet and holds up to 600 lbs. This large cart will handle any job because its perfect balance makes moving heavy loads very easy. Perfect for farms, ranches, construction, and other professional uses.


The 3rd Wheel Carts (11.5 cu. ft. / 600 lbs.)
Need to move a big load but don't want to lift? The 3rd Wheel & Push Carts have a capacity of 11.5 cu. ft. and handles up to 600 lbs. They are available with your choice of Rib or Knobby Tires on the main axle and a swivel caster wheel in the rear. This eliminates the need for lifting.

The 3-wheel Jumbo "Slim" Cart (11.5 cu. ft..)
Need a large capacity cart with a narrow profile? The Jumbo "Slim" Cart has a 11.5 cubic foot capacity and hold up to 600 lbs. The "Slim" uses pneumatic caster wheels underneath and can pass through a standard doorway. The rear swivel wheel allows it to turn 360 degrees.


The 4-wheel Jumbo "Slim" Cart (11.5 cu. ft..)
Need a large capacity cart with a narrow profile? The Jumbo "Slim" Cart has a 11.5 cubic foot capacity and hold up to 600 lbs. The "Slim" uses pneumatic caster wheels underneath and can pass through a standard doorway. The rear swivel wheels allow it to turn 360 degrees.


The Trailer Cart (11.5 cu. ft.)
The Trailer Cart has a tub capacity of 11.5 cubic feet and hauls up to 600 lbs. It comes with a towbar and 1.75" ball recepticle. The load can be dumped without unhooking the hitch. The Trailer Cart's towbar is easily removable without tools and it comes with a accessory foot stand.

EZ Loader
Are you looking for a sturdy portable cart for hauling items? While the E-Z Haul line is built for handling loose materials, the EZ Loader 250 Folding Cart was designed to carry mostly items such as boxes, barrels, tubs, bales of hay, bags of soil, planters, coolers, etc. The E-Z Loader 250 is a foldable, heavy-duty steel cart that will carry up to 250 lbs. Shipping weight is 17 lbs.

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